Monday, February 20, 2012

Learning music and stoicism

I attempted to do music, mostly by myself, mostly because with internet you can find legal or illegal sources of information. Since I started this I took as many wrong turns as I could, heading all-in until I hit the wall. Turning back to do the same error in another direction. Every one of these mistakes didn't make me a better player, it did force me to taste anger and frustration, helplessness, impatience .. many kind of 'negative' emotions. Every time I realized I was just betting far too much, far too long on the wrong horse, so I stopped doing so.
Years of dead-ends teaches you to appreciate real progress, as tiny as it can be. It also removes the self. You don't try to be right, you just poke the universe, and listen carefully for the answer. Ahh too much unnecessary details. The thing is, I cared too much about my suppositions and not about the object, that's what causes anger. Later, I randomly stumbled upon the Wikipedia page about Stoicis, which says:
The Stoics taught that destructive emotions resulted from errors in judgment, and that a sage, or person of "moral and intellectual perfection," would not suffer such emotions.
This resonates with my experience in failures, and a personal appeal towards Aikido, fluidity, circles, Qi Gong, some ideas discussed in system building, like "fail early, fail often", iteration time.Somehow you have to 'have faith', love those potential judgement errors; but not so much you forget to correct them when they start to show up. Those are you internal map, perception, of the world, and learning would be akin to adjust this map closer to reality, if I may say so. Adding bits of resolution to increase sensitivity towards things you couldn't perceive before.

I'm not sure I'm finished with this topic.

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