Monday, March 24, 2014

achievement : marcus miller - cousin john -- lead slap

Apparemment je me suis un peu flingue le poignet gauche. Je sais pas si c'est les pompes ou bien trop de moeller. Faut dire que je commence a serieusement etre accro, c'est un pallier monumental qui delie tout ton sens du rhythme en reduisant l'espace temps. Tout devient facile d'acces, syncopes, crescendo, modulation, dropped-rubato-swung ... Bref depuis deux jours, meme sans pousser, mon poignet gauche se tends, du canal carpien jusqu'au coude. Un peu blase j'ai pris la basse sans trop savoir pourquoi. En imitant le slap melodique de Miller sur Cousin John, je dis bien imite, parce que c'etait parti pour du simili, du faux-semblant, du air-slap, mais la Squier s'est mis a chanter. J'avais jamais entendu ca, c'est le resultat d'une main gauche inspiree. Je sais pas pourquoi y'avait puissance et souplesse dans les doigts, ca fait respirer les cordes differemment, le son brille. Un pied monstrueux.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

r = maths : types : proofs : goals : r

Remember the first time when a certain math teachers asked us to chain theorems for a proof. A trick he told us was not to try to go from A to Z but try to imagine what Y could be. Sometimes thinking from the goal gives you insights and will help lead the other side of the chain.

In college 5th year, we try to apply typed logic to programs, especially when designing recursive function which can be hard to comprehend fully. A similar trick was used, the function will use its own end goal to feed itself. So taking into the result type into account helps you framing what each recursive case should do.

That's all folks, flash-un-news of the moment I needed to write down.

Monday, March 17, 2014

portfolio vs analysis

Dans ma tentative d'augmenter mes connaissances, je cherche des idees de petits projets a realiser pour avoir de quoi confirmer mes competences aux entretiens. Mais l'idee de perdre 1 mois a apprendre comment manier javascript/css me parait relativement vain. Dans 1 an ca sera autre chose, etc etc ...

Au final c'est pas tant le sujet d'etude qui compte, mais plutot l'approche de l'apprentissage. Savoir comment decouvrir un sujet, un objet meme; en apprecier la structure, la taille, en faire le tour, des possibles et des limites.

Ainsi, quelquesoit le domaine, on aura une petite meta-experience a priori. PhD en RTFM en somme.

Le sang monte a mon cerveau.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tech, society and dreams

Why is that an 8bit game could be so fun and inspiring with crude graphics, no physics, fm sounds. Why didn't I care about video resolution while watching Star Wars from a worn out VHS on a mundane TV.

Does tech helps breaking into the suspension of disbelief ?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

little boxes -- out loud thought splat

We like boxes

ST2 2h talk, nothing new, just freshly made in a nice shiny box
boxes are bounded, they break after a while
someone makes a new box, better than the previous one
nope, still a box, will break in a while

growth implies organisms
linux is a bazaar
lisp is a ball of mud
scheme is a snowball
emacs is a smaller bazaar

Emacs can do everything ST2 does, it's just not vanilla, organic legacy tax
elders like the old way
new thing are opt-in
newcomers don't like emacs because it's not a box, not a simple shape, no small external interface
that's its yin yang

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

papercussion suite

After a long time without using my papercussion set[1], I built a new one. Single piece set, just a [right side] ride, the bare minimum. It was enough pain to realign with it. For 2 days I couldn't get anything out of it. Tense wrist ? Tired fingers ? .. Dunno. But it's gone for the day and I'm enjoying the crap out of it. Makes me wanna kiss strangers and scream love at them. Wanna call some special person back just to flow my joy to her ears. It's funny how funky it makes you. And here lies the reason : you have no choice. The system response is very sensitive and exponential. You have to drive very fine amount of energy to it or it dies. Well done you can swing. Yes, swing on nothing but paper. So sensitive you start to use it as a real ride, sensing different sounds and bounce from the outter to the inner rim. There's even a plastic part, sounds smoother and darker.. awesome.
You just have no choice. Testa as Greeks would say. A natural one, it only works when fed the right data. I think it's even better than Dennis Chambers pillow workout. Unless he managed to bring sound out of a pillow. Who knows.. we're talking about Dennis Chambers after all.
I'm so addicted to it I played all day. Right side only, which I shouldn't; my left hand needs to learn too and I'm sure now that I can rock with the right, I will feel frustrated if I don't get even result on the left side soon.

[1] I should buzz patent that word.